Plan your visit to the Radler Rosarium in Greenfield WI
Meet the creator of the world renowned award winning Knock Out® Rose – Will Radler
For more information or to reserve a date for your tour: please call 414-425-5551 or email roseinnovations@gmail.com
Tours are available: May through October, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
Hours: Tours can begin between the hours of 10am and 1pm
Length: 60-90 minute tours through Will’s beautiful gardens featuring his signature roses, water features, sculptures and much more!
Tours are led by Will and his staff
Cost: Minimum donation of $250*
Preferred group size: 50 participants
*Donation benefits the Friends of Boerner Botanical Gardens (FBBG).
FBBG, inspired by Will Radler in 1984, is a non-profit organization established to help preserve the historic, Milwaukee County owned Boerner Botanical Gardens.