The Friends of Boerner Botanical Gardens, Inc. is governed by a dedicated group of volunteers who oversee our mission, provide oversight and assist in fundraising.
Board Officers
- Denasha A. Scott, Chair
- John A. Zaganczyk, Vice Chair
- Patricia Laughlin, Secretary
- Scott Tracy, Treasurer
- Jeffrey S. Billings
- Christopher Chitambar
- Jay Czarapata
- Robert L. Hanley
- Ronald E. Jacquart
- Sally Kubly
- Beth B. Perrigo
- Karen W. Plunkett
- Charles R. Revie
- Mei Robertson
- Ellen Hayward
M. With our deep and abiding gratitude to those former Board Directors who continually help sustain and preserve the Gardens.
- Tom Barber
- Ellie Boerner
- Roger L. Boerner
- Elaine Burke
- Geneva Johnson
- David Kundert
- Mary Ann LaBahn
- Hattie Purtell
- William J. Radler
- Joel Reinders
- Lee A. Riordan
- Nell Schneider
- Margarete Harvey
- Michelle M. Young
In Memoriam
- Matthew M. Stano
- Suzanne Foster