“Each of the three flowering seasons is a strand in the perfumed braid which crowns the year.” – Agnes Rothery, quote from The Joyful Gardener, 1927
In this garden, tapestries of perennial flowers line either side of a lush, grassy lawn. “Perennials” are plants that live at least three growing seasons. Visitors will be delighted to find the perennials in this Garden both diverse and well established. Over 900 perennial plant types are labeled and creatively used to orchestrate on-going, ever-changing harmonies of color, height, texture and form.
The Perennial Garden is a collection of plant collections including irises, phlox, hostas, daylilies and peonies. It abounds with perennial planting ideas for garden spaces ranging from full-shade to full-sun. From the simple beauty of early spring bulbs to the elegant fall appearance of ornamental grasses, the Perennial Garden is a source of constant beauty!
In 2007, Master Gardener Volunteers working with the UW-Extension Horticulture Center at Boerner Botanical Gardens began recording blooms in the Perennial Gardens.