Below is our 2024 report card to you!
Thank you in advance for making your donation to our
2024 Annual Appeal.
In 2024 FBBG…
- funded K12 student in nature education for 1000s of SE WI students; vital learning otherwise unavailable for many children.
- planned/facilitated year-round FBBG Garden Walks & community engagement nature classes & events for all ages/populations.
- hosted our 40th anniversary celebration with 1000+ community members!
- funded FBBG free admission days at Boerner, May – October.
- planned and facilitated our 8th annual Member Appreciation Picnic!
- hosted our annual spring/holiday craft fairs; 4000+ attendance.
- funded our 15th straight year of community/corp. volunteer support for Boerner’s garden staff; 29,000+ hours donated since FBBG start of program.
- completed funding for Rock Garden safety railings & historic gazebo.
- was featured on WTMJ’s Morning Blend.
- hosted our 5th annual FBBG nite at Will Radler’s garden; 558 attendees!
We look forward to 2025, FBBG’s 41st year & historic Boerner’s 86th!
With unending gratitude for your kind and continued support.
Ellen Hayward