We are so grateful to all who support our year round, in-nature student and adult education initiatives, special events and projects…working to sustain and preserve the Boerner Botanical Gardens for all ages and populations, today and tomorrow.
We resumed planning and facilitating nature programming for K12 school students, home schoolers, special needs groups, families….and brought back Stroller Rolls for moms & preschoolers.
- “My favorite time at Boerner was the FBBG children’s K12 programming. I now want to teach kids and will be getting my teaching certificate.” Summer Intern
- “My kids loved picking vegetables for dinner from FBBG’s student garden.”
- “It was great to see the children’s beds change from season to season!”
We resumed garden walks and in person adult/family classes.
- “The beach glass recycling class was great fun!”
- “Lots of materials to use and great instruction.”
We welcomed our FBBG members and friends to an evening hosted by renown Rosarian and one of FBBG’s founders, Will Radler, at his private garden.
We helped community members in selecting tree, bench, and brick memorials for loved ones.
- “We so appreciate the kindness received from FBBG when we purchased a bench at Boerner in memory of our father.”
We celebrated our 11th year of recruiting community and corporate volunteers for Boerner’s garden staff. Since 2010 inception of FBBG’s volunteer initiative, 8,000+ volunteers have given over 18,500 hours in support of this historic and beloved venue!
We celebrated the start of FBBG’s donor driven Children’s Garden which broke ground in July and is targeted to open, summer 2022.
We delivered 68 nature based at home creative learning activities for adults and families.