Mar 16, 2016
Family Rates: $20 members / $25 general public (admission covers up to five family members) Individual Rates: $10 members / $15 general public Discover the connection between Chinese culture and nature! Learn the basics of Chinese brush painting as you create a...
Mar 7, 2016
Cost: $15 Members / $20 General Public ***UPDATED DATE AND TIME*** Due to a family emergency, our class instructor had to reschedule this class from April 16th to May 7th @ 10:00AM – Noon. Sign-ups for this class have been reopened! Class max is 20 people, so...
Feb 16, 2016
One Session: $10 members/$15 general public Both Sessions: $15 members / $25 general public (total of $5 savings!) Join us for this two-part session on garden plant trends for 2016! Boerner Botanical Gardens horticulturist Jessica Cloninger and horticulturist Nick...
Dec 17, 2015
One Session: $10 members/$15 general public Both Sessions: $15 members / $25 general public (total of $5 savings!) Join us for this two-part session on garden plant trends for 2016! Boerner Botanical Gardens horticulturist Jessica Cloninger and horticulturist Nick...